Saturday, January 4, 2014

A True Story of how I cured myself of Cancer. Alkaline pH. No Sugar.

Hello Everyone,

I was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Cancer on my face in 2006.
Had it biopsied & removed.
...That was the beginning of the Journey, not the end.

You see, if you do not find out what you did to get the cancer, & keep doing it, it will return.

So, to make a long journey short, I have created a 30 page ebook on how I escaped from the Inevitable cancer grave. I took pictures with a digital microscope of what came out of the tumor in my brain, my breast & everywhere else.

It may be the first book written by a person with cancer, who films the "Kiss of Death," coming out of her. I am a film maker by trade, & entertained myself, filming the death of Medusa, while detoxing over a 2.5 year period. (I made a lot of mistakes, & the time frame can be shortened.)

It is Called: The Looking Glass Medusa & will be published this month.

I am not allowed to diagnose, treat, or cure anyone, so please ask your Doctor, if you can try this.

I studied Natural Medicine all of my life & have been a Body Builder, & Snow Skier, so I started out with a strong mind & body to take this journey.

You will still need superhuman strength for the journey, so always your creator to give you some.